Monday, September 19, 2011

A Post on Pinterest

Today I made two delicious things I found on pinterest, just thought I would share.

1. Potato soup. It was yummy and so so easy. Steve put it in the crockpot this morning and wah-la! It was ready to eat tonight when we both got home.

2. Sugar cookies. These sugar cookies turned out amazing and oh so delicious. I halved the recipe because I just wanted to try them out. I would definitely recommend them to anyone. They turned out just like the picture--beautiful cookies!

In other news, Steve found a job working for a company that manages HOAs in Utah and Salt Lake Counties. Conveniently enough, he works in our neighborhood! He walks about one minute to work and saves more on gas than I could have ever hoped.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Joys of Unemployment

Over the past few weeks, Steve has been trying to find a job. However, I am reaping the benefits of jobless Beaver.

-I can text him last minute when I need help at work, and he can come running to my aid. He's gotten hours of work done for me so I don't have to stay late at school.
-He brought me a diet coke at school today, ate lunch with me, and then played kickball with my students for recess.
-He can get dinner started in the crockpot so that when I come home for work the apartment is smelling delicious.
-He vacuumed the whole apartment AND cleaned my bathtub on Saturday.
-He packs my lunches.
-He pretty much makes dinner every night.

I can't decide which is better, a stay-at-home husband or a husband with a job.

Love you Beaver, just wanted to brag about you<3

Disclaimer: Steve has a part-time tutoring job and is looking for something more full time at the moment.