Saturday, December 19, 2015

Laney--4/5 Months

Laney is now 5 months!  What?!  It goes so fast with your second, especially when they are so easy and happy all the time!

Laney is busting out of her 3-6 month clothes, and I'm in denial that she now needs the next size.  She's in size 3 diapers still.  Could probably move up to size 4 but Carson is in size 4 at night...and that just isn't right.
She is sleeping so soundly at night.  She goes to sleep around around 7:30, I do a dreamfeed around 10:30, and she sleeps through til 7/7:30.  
She naps 4 times a day usually for 45 minutes and sometimes one longer nap a day.  I can't wait for her naps to consolidate and be longer!
Laney has been addicted to the swing for napping her whole life.  A couple days ago I tried putting her in her pack n play for naps, and she slept just fine all day.  So I guess her swing days are over!
She is rolling all over the place!  In the last week or so she has mastered rolling from her back to tummy.  She can also roll tummy to back, but for some reason she isn't as good at rolling that way.  
Laney is the happiest baby ever.  She is always smiling and loves getting attention from anyone.
She loves to watch Carson play and is starting to get really interested in certain toys.
We love her so much!
Here are some photos from the past 2 months.

4 month pics:

5 month pics:


And here are some of my favorite videos from the month:


Wednesday, December 16, 2015


We invited my parents to come down to Houston for a low-key Thanksgiving this year.
It was Steve and my first time cooking a full Thanksgiving dinner, and turkey!
We mostly had success, a couple things could be improved though for next time!

Our teeny setup in our teeny apartment

First turkey success!

My kids love their grandparents

Love my matching boys

That evening we went and saw the zoo lights!  They are pretty amazing.

One night my parents babysat and I made arrangements to take Steve out for his 30th birthday!  All he wanted was a "nice steak dinner"


My mom helped Carson decorate the tree while they were here.  Carson had been waiting weeks to put the star up.

The night before my parents left we went out to eat and my mom got to enjoy some Laney snuggles