Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Little DIY

I do a few crafts here and there.
But I feel the need to document this little project of mine.
Steve and I have been really tight on money lately so I have been thrift shopping A TON. 
Basically if I buy anything other than food, it's from the thrift store.

Well a few weeks ago, I came across this green leather chair for $3 at our local thrift store.

 I couldn't resist it.  And it didn't help that I went with a friend with a minivan and we had room to take it home.

Well after hours and hours of removing staples (thanks Steve!), sanding, staining, looking for fabric, sewing, and stapling, I have a brand new chair and pillow for under $20.

I absolutely love it and am kind of getting addicted to being poor and trying to be as cheap as I can possibly be.  I can't be the only one like that...right???

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