Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring Break PT 2 this wasn't really University of Minnesota's spring break, but it was Alpine School District's spring break.  Even though I don't work for them anymore I am still reaping the benefits!
My sister, Lindsay, is now a teacher in Alpine and had a break, so we (of course!) had to do a girl's week.

Lindsay, Carson, and I, all flew home to Virginia for the week.
Wow. Flying by myself and with a social little baby was a lot harder than I anticipated! But boy was it worth it!
We had the best week ever!!! To sum it up in a few words: nails/lunch/shopping/relaxing.
Carson takes 2 naps a day now, so after each of his morning naps we would go out to lunch and then go do a girly activity (AKA get nails done or go shopping).
Then, during his afternoon nap we would watch Pretty Little Liars (my new fav TV show), nap, or relax.  
I love that we had a routine down even though we were only there for a week.

None of us were good at documenting the week, so here are a few photos from our phones.

Lots of hanging out and playing.

Lots of watching Carson laugh at and try to get to Sadie.

And lots of eating out.


 What a fun weekend!  Miss you already mom and Lindsay (and dad).

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Sounds like the best week. And I watched all of PLL. I sign everything -A now. Really good choice.
